Do I ever see? Do I ever listen? (with Marathi translation)

What does it mean to see, to listen, and to learn? I think the three are related: listening, learning and seeing. Do we actually see, or do we see through a screen, darkly? - A screen of our prejudices, of our idiosyncrasies, experiences, our wishes, pleasures, fears, and obviously the images we maintain about the world and about ourselves. ...Screen after screen between us and the object of perception. So it may be that seeing never takes place at all. Now is it possible for the mind not to have these images, conclusions, beliefs, prejudices, fears and just to look? I think this becomes very important because when you see - when you really see - you can't help but act. Do I ever listen? - as a wife, a husband, or a girl or a boy, do I actually hear the other person? Is it that I hear her/him through the image I have built about her or him? Again, through the screen of irritations, annoyance, domination... you know, the dreadful things that come up in a relationship. Do I ever hea...