What is immortality? (with Marathi translation)

J. KRISHNAMURTI: I want to immortalise the me. I do it through books, writing a book, and say, famous book. Or I paint. ...Through works, through good acts, through building this or that, I immortalise myself. ALLAN ANDERSON: This has very pernicious effects within the family, because we must have a son in order to - K: carry on. A : - immortalise the name in time. K: Therefore the family becomes a danger. ...So, look what we have done, sir: the ancient Egyptians immortalised themselves, made their life immortal by thinking, carrying on. And the robbers come, and tear it all to pieces. Tutankhamen is merely a mask now, a golden mask with a mummy, and so on. ...Man has sought immortality through works, through every other way. What is immortality? - Not the book! A : Oh no. K: Not the painting which I have done, not, going to the moon and putting some idiotic flag up there. Not, living a righteous life or an unrighteous life. So, what is immortality? ...The cathedrals are beautifu...