Intolerance to dream-ruptures
You wore black I wore white I couldn't resist the invitation to dine thigh to thigh in the loaded mess - ain't that what you wish to remember? We stopped to contemplate the parched old fountain, vacant signs of a bird, We walked, the unspent winter jingling thin in our pockets. Under petit vined arbor loosely I declined one invitation for another. That's what I remembered until another afternoon slid into my palm like chance cigarette. Why were you back? - And gone again? Excuse me. your absence, amongst all this death, wasn't counted apart. Your news, your return - your voice through the microphone slot couldn't touch me. It took an endless night, and water (less soft, more saline) to realize you were alive. ..Not such a bad surprise. One day you will pass, me too, but it hadn't been any of the last three days. Why do you come? Why does a drowning face reappear? It better not, I thought, you better die - forgive me - ...