Soul status in the Harry Potter universe

This academic paper was written in the year 2013 The object of this essay is to survey the ontological 1 and moral status given to (the concept of) soul in the Harry Potter series by collating it with some of the soul theories we touch upon in our academic syllabi. Before diving into the discourse on soul, let’s revise a few indispensable facts about J. K. Rowling’s fabric: There are, as I call them, modes of relations operating in the world - physical (Physics), biological, psychological, sociological and so on. All our interactions with ourselves and the world are founded on, materialized through and controlled by these natural or anthropic forces. A fundamental feature of Harry Potter universe is the mode of relation called Magic . The conception of this numinous force allows the author to transmute various themes, problems, personal experiences, and expand Pottrerverse to her fancy. One is/ isn’t endowed innately with magical faculty, and in...